Navan, Co. Meath


+353 - 872368445

outdoors Tag

Marketing for reopening It’s the news that we have all been waiting for. Hospitality and Tourism businesses are set to reopen from the 02nd of June in Ireland. After a long stressful 5 months thwarted by restrictions, businesses are hoping that this time they can open- and stay open. However, international visitors will not be back in Ireland for a while so hospitality and tourism businesses...

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Promoting your sustainability efforts as a tourism and hospitality business may not be up there on a list of priorities prior to reopening. However, it is still something that your customers and guests care about. Probably even more so than before the Covid 19 pandemic. The vast majority of Tourism and hospitality business have already put sustainable practices and processes into effect- but they are...

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Last January we wrote a blog on the Great recovery in the Great Outdoors. Seeing as we are still waiting on a roadmap for reopening, it seems more and more likely that the outdoors is where it will be this year in regards tourism this year. Over the past number of months we have seen more and more funding provided for new greenways, walking trails...

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  This must be the longest January in history. Irelands Covid cases are the worst in the world and with our numbers still so high nobody knows when we might see hospitality and tourism businesses fully reopen again. This is the time of year when so many of us would be putting our plans into place for Valentines, mid term break and working on our plans...

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