Navan, Co. Meath


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The great recovery in the great outdoors


This must be the longest January in history. Irelands Covid cases are the worst in the world and with our numbers still so high nobody knows when we might see hospitality and tourism businesses fully reopen again. This is the time of year when so many of us would be putting our plans into place for Valentines, mid term break and working on our plans for Easter. While there is still uncertainty on whether we will get to reopen for any of these occasions, we still need to look to the future with optimism.


Domestic travel will be to the forefront of all our strategies this year and after a third lockdown couped up within our 5km, there will be a demand to get out there again and travel our beautiful Island. One of Pól O’Conghaile predictions for 2021 is The Outsiders. (Read all of his predictions here in Independent Travel).

The great outdoors will be a massive part of our recovery in 2021 and here’s what we need to be doing now to be a part of it:


  • Get ready now!!


Start your preparations now for how you are going to offer the best outdoor experience- whether its transforming an otherwise underused outdoor space or improving the one you already have. You don’t have an outdoor space? Then find one close to you and promote it- a restaurant could offer a two course meal with a take away ice cream in the local park.

Make sure to tell your audience on social media all about your plans now so your offering is on their mind when they get to travel again. Check out what Harrys Shack did in Portstewart last year.


  • Collaborate


If you aren’t lucky enough to have outdoor space in your vicinity then collaborate with your neighbours that do! See if there is a local tour of the nearby woods, historical sites or distillery and offer this as part of a package you are selling. You should have a package for families, couples and over 50’s to reach as many people as possible.


  • Get inventive!


If you are struggling to package up deals for families or trying to attract couples to a different destination then start getting inventive! We loved the City Norths Hotel idea of picnics on the beach in 2020 (They are not situated on the beach). Ideas like offering a “things to do pack on arrival” from the local tourist office, getting a mystery tour together for families or creating an outdoor cinema at the weekend will all attract customers this year!


  • Try everything outside!


Dark sky tourism, glamping and heading off the beaten track will all be big trends this year. The Virginia park Lodge in Cavan have just launched their woodland cabins that look so luxurious! “Mosey down through the walled garden and enjoy a welcome hamper on arrival”- sounds amazing- we want to go there now! Try brunch outside, outside seaweed baths or hot tubs, private bbq’s…. the list is endless!


Whenever our industry hits recovery mode be sure to be ready. For help with your marketing plans or strategy do not hesitate to contact us on




Helen Leddy

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