Navan, Co. Meath


+353 - 872368445


HubSpot shared its most important statistics in email marketing recently. There are more than 4 billion daily users worldwide, 78% of email marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months and 74% of baby boomers (people aged 55+) think email is the most personal channel to communicate with brands. But how important is email marketing in Tourism and Hospitality in...

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Promoting your sustainability efforts as a tourism and hospitality business may not be up there on a list of priorities prior to reopening. However, it is still something that your customers and guests care about. Probably even more so than before the Covid 19 pandemic. The vast majority of Tourism and hospitality business have already put sustainable practices and processes into effect- but they are...

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The wedding industry in Ireland was estimated to be worth €3.2 billion pre Covid. With on-going restrictions and so much uncertainty in regards to future planning, this figure will have dropped significantly. But weddings are still going ahead and are still a vital part of any hospitality industry- however small they may be. Smaller weddings are on the rise. The recent Weddings online survey stated...

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Build Back Better- Sustainable Travel annual conference- our key takeaways. Sustainable living and travel has come to the fore in many conversations over the past number of years. Being kinder to our planet, reducing our carbon footprint and becoming more conscious of our choices. Have these conversations changed over the past 10 months of the Covid 19 pandemic? Absolutely not and if anything, customers and guests...

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  This must be the longest January in history. Irelands Covid cases are the worst in the world and with our numbers still so high nobody knows when we might see hospitality and tourism businesses fully reopen again. This is the time of year when so many of us would be putting our plans into place for Valentines, mid term break and working on our plans...

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